How do I Write a Psychology Report in the UK?

 When writing a psychology report in the UK, remember a few key things. Firstly, your report must be written and easy to read. It is important to ensure that all of your research is accurately documented and use correct referencing techniques (such as Harvard Referencing).

Your report should be structured in a specific way, with six sub-sections to include:

1. Abstract:

2. Introduction:

3. Method:

4. Results:

5. Discussion:

6. Referencing (Harvard Referencing):


An abstract should summaries your study in around 100 words when writing an abstract. It is important to clearly state what you investigated and why, highlight any conclusions made, and present the conclusions along with implications for future research. It must also be written in the past tense.


Writing an introduction can be challenging, but you must explain the rationale for your study and provide a clear overview of what will be happening. You should also state any hypotheses that were tested in the study.


This section should outline how you went about conducting your study, including details such as the participants who took part, the tools and measures used, and the procedure followed.


This section should present the findings of your study clearly and concisely. It is important to use graphs and tables to illustrate your data and ensure that all results are accurately reported.


It is where you discuss the findings of your study in depth. You should provide a critical analysis of the results and communicate how they relate to other studies in the area.


In psychology, you must reference all sources. The Harvard referencing system should be used throughout your report. It involves providing both an author and date when citing external texts or material another person has produced.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your psychology report is accurately written and meets the expectations of academic standards in the UK. Good luck with your writing!

Task: To conclude the article, briefly summaries the key points discussed.

When writing a psychology report, it is important to structure your report correctly. You should use standardized instructions and follow a specific format to ensure that your report is accurate and concise! Make sure you reference all of your sources correctly too.

The Harvard referencing system is the most common way to do this in psychology. Finally, be sure to summaries the key findings of your study in the discussion section and explain their significance. Thanks for reading!

The key points that have been discussed are:

1. Structure your psychology report using standardized instructions

2. Follow a specific format when writing your report

3. Ensure that all of your research is accurately documented

4. Use correct referencing techniques (e.g. Harvard Referencing) throughout the report

5. Summaries the key findings in the discussion section, and explain their significance at the end of the article!

Also get help from professional report writers.


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